Yvonne Dripps

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Yoga Principle #7 Be Clean

In Theory: This Niyama, or positive duty for daily holistic healthy habits, is also known as Saucha. Being clean applies not only to the body and your environment, but also to our words and actions. For example, avoid verbally dumping on others, too much junk food, or substance abuse.

In Action: As you glance in the fridge and cupboard Wednesday night, you notice that there aren’t many options beyond catsup, soy, and crackers in your pantry because you haven’t made it to the grocery yet. Knowing that your Thursday schedule is pretty busy from sun up to sun down, you plan to run to the grocery store for some whole foods over lunch instead of choosing a fast food option. You realize that eating whole foods fuel you up and care for your body the best.

Read more about Saucha in Ekhart Yoga’s post here.

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